
Marriage Registration in Delhi

Marriage Registration/Marraige Certificate/Court Marriage We help you in getting your marriage Certificate. With our services, you can get your Marriage Certificate quickly and easily. We provide hassle-free services and we also make sure that the maximum part of the process should be completed at your home as per your convenience. To get your Marriage Certificate Call us @  9716046514 Website:  Email: मैरिज सर्टिफिकेट MARRIAGE REGISTRATION IS NOW COMPULSORY IN INDIA, APPLY ONLINE YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE BY FILLING ENQUIRY FORM BELOW APPLY HERE FOR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE General Information: A  Marriage Certificate  (sometimes:  marriage license ) is an official statement that two people are  married . In most jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is issued by a government official only after the  civil registration  of the marriage. In all jurisdict...

Marriage Registration Certificate

Contents: What is a Marriage Certificate and Why is it Needed? A  Marriage Certificate  (sometimes:  marriage license ) is an official statement that two people are  married . In most jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is issued by a government official only after the  civil registration  of the marriage. In all jurisdictions, in the India, a marriage certificate is the official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony. This marriage can be registered either where husband resides or where marriage has been solemnized. In other countries, a marriage license serves a dual purpose of granting permission for a marriage to take place and then endorsing the same document to record the fact that the marriage has been performed. A marriage certificate may be required for a number of reasons. It may be required as evidence of change of a party's name, on issues of  legitimacy  of a child, during divorce proceedings, or as ...
We help you in getting your Marriage Registered. As per the of the The Delhi (Compulsory Registration of Marriage) Order’ 2014 and the order passed by the Honble Supreme Court of India in the Case titled Smt. Seema Vs. Ashwani Kumar dated 14.02.2006 the registration of Marriage is now compulsory in Delhi irrespective of caste, creed and religion professed by any party or parties to such Marriage. Couples fails to register marriage within 60 days from the marriage shall suffer a penalty of Rupees Five hundred to Twelve hundred imposed by marriage registrar. A marriage in India is mandatory to be registered in most of the cases. The state governments have or are sketching out to make the registration of marriage compulsory in all the cases. A marriage certificate is also required the most while applying for visa purposes. No foreign embassy grants visa to a spouse without proof of marriage In divorce and alimony cases, courts may insist on seeing the marriage certificate Your...