We help you in getting your Marriage Registered. As per the of the The Delhi (Compulsory Registration of Marriage) Order’ 2014 and the order passed by the Honble Supreme Court of India in the Case titled Smt. Seema Vs. Ashwani Kumar dated 14.02.2006 the registration of Marriage is now compulsory in Delhi irrespective of caste, creed and religion professed by any party or parties to such Marriage. Couples fails to register marriage within 60 days from the marriage shall suffer a penalty of Rupees Five hundred to Twelve hundred imposed by marriage registrar.

A marriage in India is mandatory to be registered in most of the cases. The state governments have or are sketching out to make the registration of marriage compulsory in all the cases. A marriage certificate is also required the most while applying for visa purposes.
No foreign embassy grants visa to a spouse without proof of marriage In divorce and alimony cases, courts may insist on seeing the marriage certificate

Your Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara, Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage is perfectly legal and valid all over India, however, by way of proofs of your marriage, many institutions even in India do not accept your marriage photographs, marriage video, Arya Samaj Certificate or Gurudwara Certificate or Nikah Nama or Church Marriage Certificate; further, foreign embassies in India and foreign countries outside India  do not recognise your marriage as legal and valid, And hence, Hindu Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara before a Marriage Registrar, Special Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage, and marriage performed in any other forms so that you have your Marriage Certificate issued by Government Statutory Body which is recognized all over India and all over world.

Eligibility conditions to get a Marriage Certificate are listed below

  • A marriage that is solemnized is already registered under the 1995 Hindu marriage act.
  • The bride or groom should be a resident of the Tehsil where the marriage will be registered.
  • The bridegroom needs to complete 21 years and the bride 18 years before they get married.
  • Both of them should be Hindus.

Should Register my Marriage?

A marriage certificate is not just ‘another license’ that one must obtain. It is in fact a very essential document that couples generally tend to overlook in the euphoria and fanfare of their marriage. The outlook that many people have, is that ‘it is a waste of time, who needs a marriage certificate?’ But the reality is that every couple entering a marriage needs this legal authorization.
In earlier times, only the affluent used to register their marriages because of succession to property. In the case of remarriage after the death of a spouse or in case of a divorce, the courts issued a certificate of death/divorce, and most educated families wanted this evidence.
Sometime around 2005-06 the Supreme Court made it mandatory for couples to register their marriages and the benefits of registering a marriage definitely outweigh those of non-registration, which in the latter case are none.
You may want to travel abroad, in such cases a marriage certificate is taken as proof of a marriage and not any photographs or anything else depicting ceremonial marriages. No certificate means no spouse visas- that is the rule.In certain countries work-permits may also be denied on the ground that no marriage certificates are available.
It is also not uncommon in today’s day and age where people want to marry outside their caste/religion which may not be accepted by all, in such cases, a marriage certificate will help couples overcome that and solemnize a marriage and hence will not be subjected to any force/coercion whatsoever.
The process of legalizing a marriage could also help if a party is being forced into marrying someone, the person can easily deny and record this in front of the registrar and the marriage will not be registered.
Marriage Registration helps the authorities to keep a check on child marriages. If your age is not the one required under law, your marriage will not be registered irrespective of the amount of love, feelings et al.
A marriage certificate acts as a deterrent to any abandonment. It helps you establish your rights in a marriage in a court of law. In case of the death of either of the partners, a marriage certificate facilitates the inheritance of the property.
Registration of marriages is not as tedious as many think. You require basic passport size photographs, birth certificates, proof of residence and witnesses and along with these you need to fill in a simple marriage registration form, and your marriage could be registered within a day.
In India, there are two acts under which a marriage can be registered. One is the ‘Hindu marriage act of 1955’ which is applicable only to Hindus. The other is the ‘Special Marriage Act of 1954’, applicable to all the citizens of India.


  1. Court marriages are generally not as formal as traditional marriages, and the requirements for obtaining a court marriage vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. court marriage document

  2. This is a good blog it is very useful for me if you need marriage register if you are looking to get married then contact us


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